Mining Dewatering | High-volume
Whitewater offers a complete package of mining dewatering services, including Open Pit and Shaft Mining Dewatering.
We ensure that your project will be completed safely, while also ensuring the environment is protected at all times. Whitewater has been in the resources sector for over a decade, with experienced resource sector staff that understand the importance of quality and reliable service. Our team of professionals and engineers will ensure that all equipment is on location and set up on time, on budget and running smoothly with no interruptions.
Our water management team will provide engineering, regulatory proposals, design and construction for your water management needs. We monitor all the pumping equipment, pipelines, tanks, manifolds, pressures and filtration 24/7 to ensure uptime and quick response to any issues that may arise.

Mining Dewatering Services
- Rental pumps – A large selection of trailer- and skid-mounted diesel and electric horizontal pumps. We also have a wide range of electric submersible pumps.
- Rental hoses, fish screens, valves, reelers, flow meters, fittings, and other accessories.
- Rental generators, light towers, and heaters.
- Fabrication of custom manifolds and fittings.
- Engineering for pump and system layouts.
- Experienced and knowledgeable water technicians to deploy and operate pumps and pipeline systems.
- Field mechanics to perform routine and breakdown maintenance, thereby increasing reliability and minimizing downtime.
- HDPE supply and fusion.
- EDDY slurry pumps sales and rentals.
In any mine, water is essential, but keeping it clean and safe may be challenging.
Mining dewatering is a difficult process to accomplish, even when there is an abundance of water. However, no matter the problem, Whitewater is equipped with the solution.
High-volume Mine Dewatering and Water Transfer Systems
- Open-pit mine dewatering.
- Underground mine dewatering.
- Spring freshet dewatering.
- Recirculation pumping from tailings seepage pond back into tailings storage facility.
- Water supply from natural water sources (rivers, lakes, etc.).
Rental Pumps
Rental Hoses, Fish screens, Valves, Reelers, Flow Meters, Fittings, and other Accessories
Rental Generators, Light Towers, and Heaters
Fabrication of Custom Manifolds and Fittings
Engineering for Pump and System Layouts
Experienced and Knowledgeable Water Technicians
Field Mechanics
HDPE Supply and Fusion
EDDY Slurry Pumps