Sewer Bypass Services
The current infrastructure of major cities’ (such as sewer lines, pump stations, and industrial units) is ageing. Construction firms require a sewer bypass to repair and upgrade existing infrastructure, which necessitates the rental of pumps and generators. New construction, lift station maintenance, re-lining existing pipes, lift station malfunctioning, damaged gravity line, force main rupture, tie-ins, or a combination of these are the most common reasons of sewer bypass pumping. Whitewater can undertake almost all sewage bypass work. Before choosing and designing pumping equipment, it’s important to understand the sewage bypass needs. Flows (minimum and maximum), TDH (total dynamic head), suction lift, and NPSH are all included (Net Positive Suction Head Required and Available).
When towns intend to refurbish or upgrade old sewage or wastewater pipes, it is essential to note you cannot merely cut off the flow while working on rehabilitating or replacing an existing pipeline, but, you may redirect the flow around or bypass it. This scenario has been a significant difficulty for various initiatives over the years. While the contractor is doing repair or replacement work, how can the municipality continue to provide services or avoid blocking roads and upsetting surrounding neighbourhoods and businesses? Sewer systems must still be used.
Sewer Bypass
Services and Equipment
To facilitate construction, industrial, and municipal uses, Whitewater provides a diverse range of vital services.
When it comes to sewer rehabilitation, replacing or improving pipelines is frequently done to deal with old or inadequate ones. All that’s needed is to get the waste products out of the way and put in place a temporary system. Whitewater’s designers achieve this by deploying pumps, temporary sewage bypass piping, and valves upstream of the sewer pipes that will be rebuilt and re-entering the sanitary system downstream of the work site. The system’s size is determined by peak flow, which fluctuates depending on the number of houses and businesses along this part of the line; the volume of waste material transported can be in the hundreds of litres per minute.
Answers to particular project-specific issues like the depth of the sewage system or the distance of the bypass are considered by Whitewater’s sewer bypass designers and installation crews. The capacity and configuration of the pump(s), valves, tubing, and other equipment is generally determined by this. When a sewage line is dug deeper than 7.5 meters (about 25 feet), for example, the designers may use a submersible pump to accommodate the increased head pressure. For shallower systems, an above-ground centrifugal pump with a suction hose dropped into the manhole might be used.
Having years of expertise in the design and sizing of sewage lines, Whitewater’s sewer bypass designers are highly experienced when it comes to designing and sizing sewer lines. Because flow fluctuates throughout the day, the temporary system must have the ability to tolerate such variations. The peak is generally estimated using flow meters, and the early morning and evening peak flow levels are standard. The project’s success relies on an assessment of sewage flow peaks during construction. Pumps and pipes may be unable to keep up with the flow if it is not estimated correctly and the system is inadequate. A sewage leak might follow, which would cause several issues for everyone involved, including the public.

Whitewater designers examine the following factors in addition to flow calculations:
• Are there any noise regulations in your city?
• Is it possible to get there by car? To facilitate traffic flow, Whitewater offers constructed road crossings.
• Is signage and traffic control necessary for equipment placement?
• Seamless pipe systems, such as HDPE piping, may be required in environmentally sensitive locations to reduce the risk of leakage.
• Skilled technicians monitor the system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, incase problems or other considerations arise.
A sewage system improvement project might be an opencut replacement or a trench-less lining technology rehabilitation in today’s market. The necessity for a properly constructed sewage bypass system that includes all of the appropriate kind and size pumps, as well as accompanying pipes, is something that will not alter with any rehabilitation project.
For sewer bypass services, request a quote now!
Whitewater sells and rents sewage bypass pumps ranging in size from 4-inch to 12-inch diesel-powered pumps. Our engineering staff will help you size and choose the appropriate pump for your application. The correct pump size is critical for achieving a stable sewage bypass, and Whitewater’s large inventory will ensure that the sewer bypass pump you need is available when you need it. We propose electric submersible pumps in some sewer bypass pumping applications when there is a strong suction lift and quick priming is required.

Whitewater offers the full range of sewage bypass equipment, including dri-prime pumps powered by diesel or electricity, electric garbage submersibles, hydraulic submersibles, and diaphragm pumps. Remote monitoring, automated start-stop, fuel usage monitoring, and HDPE fusion technicians are also available. We sell sewer bypass pumps and accessories including road ramps, check valves, gate valves, hoses, steel and aluminium piping, HDPE piping, and drip trays all at one place.
The sewer bypass team at Whitewater has access to the largest inventory of electric sewage submersible pumps and related submersible power lines in the industry. Electric submersible pumps are the pump of choice for low volume to large volume and low head to high head applications. Hydraulic submersible pumps are the solution to your problem if the suction lift is too high and you need to work in an explosion-proof area. Hydraulic submersible pumps and power packs are available.
The effectiveness of a sewage bypass depends on the hose and fittings used. The sewage bypass team at Whitewater has a significant supply of hose and fittings on hand, including lay flat hose, cargo hose, composite hose, and suction hose. A comprehensive range of equipment will be designed and manufactured by our sewer bypass design team. Manifolds, pump skids, hose reels, custom fittings, and a range of other items may be produced to your requirements at a low cost.
When you require assistance, seek the team at Whitewater, because when an incident occurs, you require quick professionals to ensure that it does not occur again!
Whitewater Brings Experience and Expertise to Your Municipal Project.
Sanitary sewer bypass projects are required to achieve uninterrupted service during sewer maintenance, relining, or emergencies. Due to the critical nature of these projects, our engineers design safe and reliable systems accounting for peak flows, sewer line size and depth, site access, and security.
Sewer Bypass Services
Solids handling and sound attenuated pumps
24/7/365 Pump monitoring and maintenance
Engineer-stamped pumping plans
Backup pumps and lines rigged in
HDPE pipe fusion and custom manifolds
Road crossings to minimize public access disruptions
Flowmeters and data logging for reporting